Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Detour off the Camino, to Laguardia, May 29

We've been off the e-highway for a bit now, so lots of catching up to do.  I've got a few posts for tonight, and more will follow.

After Logrono, we decided to take a detour off the camino to celebrate our anniversary.  We were near the town of Laguardia, a lovely medieval walled city in the La Rioja wine growing region we'd visited with Mom and Dad in 2009.  A 15 km bus ride from Logrono, and there we were once again.

The town was every bit as charming as we remembered.  It's a major tourist destination, with wine shops and fancy bars and restaurants all around, but the tourist presence is not overpowering.

We walked straight to the place we'd stayed last time: a genuine castle built into the city wall (now functioning as a small hotel).  That's it in the pic below.  The proprietor is like a man out of time.  The castle has been in his family for five centuries, and he truly makes one feel like a guest in his home.  We talked about our previous visit, and showed him a couple of pictures of Mom and Dad, and he remembered the four of us.

We climbed up the stairs to the turret to take in the view.

In the morning, Javier (our host) insisted on laying out a beautiful breakfast for us.  And before we left, he gave us a very nice bottle of wine as a gift (with apologies for adding so much weight to Dan's pack).

Around noon we caught a bus back to Logrono.  Because we'd read that the next couple of stages on the camino are not nice ones (mostly following paths right alongside a major highway), we decided to skip them by taking another short bus ride to Belorado.  By mid-afternoon we were off the bus there and back walking.
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